
Genomic annotation using high throughput experimental approaches to understand the cellular and biological context of cis-eQTLs.


Please read the following:


  • Intersect the genomic positions of this functional annotation with the variants and genes you have been looking at in your cis-eQTL models. Is there any overlap? For example, take a gene’s chromosome and genomic start and end positions (base pairs) and see if there are any open chromatin peaks in this area based on the chromosome and genomic start and end positions of the ATAC-seq peaks in the file above.

Weekly Questions

  • What are two names of experimental assays to measure open chromatin (in other words, DNA accessibility)? Hint: One of them is a column of Figure 2 from the Roadmap Epigenomics paper. The other strategy is mentioned in the section titled “Transposase accessible regions” of the ENCODE paper linked above.
  • What is the importance of measuring open chromatin (in other words, DNA accessibility)? What does it mean about the functional potential of the DNA? (Hint: in the introduction to the Roadmap paper, the authors discuss how DNA sequence only gives us a limited perspective on biology and the “epigenome” is very informative for learning the ways in which the DNA is regulated.)
  • What are some examples of histone modifications that enhance gene expression and what are some examples of histone modifications that suppress gene expression? (Hint: In Figure 2 from the Roadmap Epigenomics paper, there are 7 histone modification assays listed in the columns, 2 of them are markers of repressed gene expression, while 5 of them are markers of enhanced gene expression. Which are which? The functional implications of each are discussed in the subsection “1. Reference epigenome mapping across tissues and cell types”.)